Saturday 8 October 2016

Shalom from Jerusalem!

Hi all.  Hope you are all well. 

Thursday 10/6:  We met our new guide Ettie.  We began a couple busy days with her.  Achmed drove us to the Mount of Beatitudes where we were reminded of the 7 works of mercy:  feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; shelter the homeless; care for the sick; visit the imprisoned; bury the dead.  We visited the area where Jesus fed the mass of 5,000 with fish and bread; there's a church built over the rock where this was to have taken place.  We traveled on to Capernaum and saw ruins of a synagogue and homes in the central area of Jesus' ministry.  Enroute to Jerusalem,  we drove along the eastern coast of the Sea of Galilee which is along the foot of the Golan Heights, where we saw hills and mountains.  Then we were on a fishing boat on the Sea of Galilee.  Ettie told us it is actually a lake, 8 miles wide, 600' below sea level.  Imagine our surprise when our national anthem began to play as we left port.  We hadn't noticed that the USA flag had been hoisted next to the Israeli flag.  A couple of the sailors showed us how the fishing nets were used; the nets were similar but built from nylon and plastic.  No fish was harmed in the demonstration, which just means no fish were caught.  This is part of the Great Rift which extends from Syria to Ethiopia.  The trees we see are date palms, olives, pomegranates,  oranges and banana trees grown under large shaded structures.  It's really pretty amazing considering the lack of rain.  They use conservative irrigation everywhere in this country.  We entered into Samaria which is in the West Bank of Palestine, with plenty of police presence.  It is 2/3 Arab population.  Driving past the Dead Sea, we drove on to Jerusalem. 

Friday 10/7:  Another packed day.  The most memorable visit was to the Western Wall from 20 BC.  Very emotional for Jews and Christians alike.  Men and women are split on different sides.  There was excitement  when we heard music and singing coming toward us.  A 13-year old boy was celebrating his Bar Mitzvah.  The clarinet and drums were joyous.  Everyone was dancing.  The young man at the center of attention looked a bit overwhelmed.  There were so many sites:  Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa Mosque, the supposed birthplace of May, the spot where Jesus healed the lame man, the pool of Bethesda, stations of the cross, the tomb.  So much to see here.  Sunset is the start of Shabbat, the roads are getting quiet, families are walking, not driving.  Most everything is closed.  In our restaurant Jewish families (and some Christians)) stand for prayers before their Sabbath meal.  Even one elevator in our hotel is automatically stopping at each floor so no one will have to push a button during Shabat.

Saturday 10/8:  On to Masada.  We take a cable car up to the top.  If we had been here much earlier in the day, Anne could have walked up it.  If you don't know the story, Google it.  It was another warm day up there.  Occasionally we saw Beduoin and their herds.  We went to Qumran where the Dead Sea scrolls were found between 1947-1956.  On to a swim at the Dead Sea.  So, no one told us that walking into the sea could be hazardous.  The water is the color of mud so you can't see that there are holes that you are about to fall into.  I got a picture of Anne as she was hitting the water while unknowingly walking into a hole.  I followed some people who knew where a solid path existed; I took my tumble on the way out.  It's true!  You just float.  Even if you just want to crouch down into the water, your legs get forced up, pushing you onto your back.  The mud really has to be rubbed off.  What an experience.  Jerusalem is 2400' feet above sea level, the Dead Sea is 1300' below sea level.  Shabbat ended at sunset but everything remains quiet.  The RNA are touring a hospital Sunday morning, so we have a bit of a late start tomorrow.

Sunday 10/9:  I'm sitting on a lovely covered open deck at our hotel.  Big commotion while the traffic was stopped, the intersection blocked.  Three black Mercedes with heavy police escorts just came through.  Not sure who it was, but I was waving. Take care, everyone.  A & M

People waiting to be baptized in the River Jordan

Maddy and Anne's baptism in the River Jordan

Sea of Galilee where Jesus fed the masses with fish and bread
Ruins in Capernaum

Our cruise on the Sea of Galilee began with the playing of our National Anthem
Sailing on the Sea of Galilee
Men at the Western (Wailing) Wall
Route Jesus carried the cross
Seventh station of the cross
View of Masada where the Jews were stormed by the Romans. They killed themselves rather than submit to slavery.   Very interesting story!  Read the Dove Keepers
View of the Dead Sea from Masada
Ruins of King Herod's Bath house on Masada
Caves in Qumran National Park near Masada where some of the Dead Sea Scrolls were found
 Anne falling in a sink hole in the Dead Sea
Floating in the Dead Sea

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