Thursday 27 September 2018

Isle of Man UK - Sept. 18-21, 2018

Douglas - Capital city of the Isle of Man

Isle of Man Flag - a triskelion three armored legs with golden spurs
"Wherever you throw me, I’ll land on my feet"

View of Douglas Bay where we stayed

Our hotel across from Douglas Bay

Our Open Top Tour ride

Homes near Douglas Bay

Great Victorian buildings

Many Celtic crosses  dating back to 5th century AD found  in St. Adamnam

Electric train we rode up to the highest point on the Isle of Man, 2,036'

Taking the train down we stopped in the village of Laxey and came across this place.......(LOL)

 Calf Sound - treacherous area between the small island and the Calf of Man Island

Port Erin

Seaside town of Peel

Celt and later a Viking castle - town of Peel

Manx Loaghtan Sheep - rare breed native to Isle of Man

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