Saturday 21 August 2021

Bologna - A beautiful city! and Ravenna - August 19 & 20, 2021

 We took the train to tour Bologna, a lovely city!

 King Neptune fountain next to the Piazza Maggiore

Part of Piazza Maggiore

Porticoes everywhere! UNESCO “world heritage site”

Wooden portico 13th century

There are about 26 miles of porticoes in the city center of Bologna

Road up the hill along the miles & miles of porticoes to see San Luca Sanctuary

View of Bologna from Santa Lucía Sanctuary on the top of a hill

Santa Lucía Sanctuary - picture taken by Maddy - she even caught a bird!

Coming down the hill from San Luca - a workout for bikers and walkers!

We rode the train to Ravenna and visited the Basilica di San Vitale

Byzantine UNESCO monument - mosaics on the ceilings and walls

 Takes some time to sit and look at the different biblical sites portrayed with mosaics


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