Thursday 21 September 2017

Uluru (Ayers Rock) North Territory

Mount Conner is a flat-topped mesa, thought to be a part of the same rocky layer beneath Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (Olgas). It can easily be confused with Uluru, since it can be seen from the road to Uluru and Kata Tjuta, when approaching from Alice  Springs. Maddy and I lost a bet to our guide Udo for claiming we saw Uluru first when actually it was Mount Conner. It was named for a South Australian politician.

                                             Uluru sacred land to the Aboriginis
                            Hiking to a Gorge in Uluru with an Aborigini guide
      Lindsey, our Aborigini guide, who lost a tooth to become an elder
        Maddy and Anne wearing our fly nets at Uluru - they were a nuisance!
                              Climber on Uluru - soon to be prohibited
             Waiting for sunset at Uluru

         Champagne at Uluru sunset - who is having fun?
                                   Sunset at Uluru
                    Hiking to the Walpi Gorge

                     Kata Tjuta (Olgas)


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