Sunday 21 February 2016

Au Revoir Marseillan

We left Marseillan on Saturday, February 20 for our trip to visit Maddy's brother, Thom, in Osturna, Slovakia.  We had some excitement on the road when a fox came across 6 lanes of the aurostrade right in front of us and he made it across! It was his lucky day. 
Driving thru Aix in Provence, Nice, Cannes and Monaco to Genoa, Italy.
Buongiorno (Good morning) from Italy! Beautiful towns along the Mediterranean driving the autostrade to Genoa.
Walking along Via Garibaldi 
Lots of former palaces along the street now used by businesses and government.

Cathedral of San Lorenzo (Reminiscent of Arabic architecture)
Trying to find the Liguarian Sea promenade we were lost, but came across a lookout over a section of Genoa with the moon.  After 3 hrs of walking winding streets, we took a cab to our hotel.
Dobro jutro (good morning) from Slovenia: heading to Ljubljana, the capital city.
Walking to the historic area of Ljubljana - a really neat place to visit!
Maddy never wants to pose, so here I am again, with the Ljubljana Castle on the hill in the background.
Looking up at the winding staircase in the Ljubljana Castle, Walked up 50+ stairs to get to the watch tower.
View from the castle watch tower.
Another view looking down on the Ljubljana River.
Ljubljana River promenade with cafes, music, and people strolling.
Evening stroll along the promenade with the Ljubljana Castle lit up.
Moon and the castle.
Dobry rano (good morning) from Osturna, Slovakia.  Imagine Maddy's dismay!   We had snow at Thom's.  Very pretty!

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