Monday 29 February 2016

Osturna & Bratislava, Slovakia, Trieste, Italy

We left Marseillan on Saturday, February 20, to visit Maddy's brother in Osturna, Slovakia.
Thom, our host in Osturna, and Perun, his faithful companion.
We had our share of snow!
And a challenging drive thru the mountains, glad I wasn't driving!
We left Osturna, Slovakia on Friday, February 26, and spent our first night in Bratislava, the capital. We walked to the square in the historic section of the city.
Entertaining art work in the square
Strolling thru the streets of Bratislava.
Our next stop was Trieste, Italy, a port city in the northeastern corner of Italy, bordering Slovenia. Photo of a government building in the Piazza dell'Unita d'Italia.
Rainy day in the Piazza in Trieste.
Canal Grande in Trieste going out to the Adriatic Sea.  A nice town with parks and promenades along the Sea.
Driving back to Marseillan thru Italy, not a very good picture, but I want to remember all the bridges we crossed as we drove by many quaint Italian villages along the Ligurian Sea.
A view of the Mediterranean Sea as we drive thru Monaco on the way to our vacation home (another one for my memory file - not a very good photo).
And now we are back in Marseillan with the flamingoes and the mistral winds!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that drive along the Ligurian Sea! Very pretty, but a roadbuilder's nightmare. So many bridges and tunnels.
    Plus Italian drivers are insane - our bus driver had to hammer on the brakes all the time because we kept getting cut off.
