Friday 15 October 2021

Italy: Naples, Alberobella - Monday - Thursday, 10/11-10/14/2021

 Flying out of Corfu to Naples

Getting close to Naples - isle of Ischia 

Getting ready for landing in Naples

Entering Alberobella and our first view of the Trulli houses. Trulli is a small, limestone building with a conical roof which is specific to the Itria Valley in the Italian region of Puglia.

Our Trulli home for 3 nights in Alberobello

Too bad the weather was not conducive to using our private pool

Visiting the Trulli Village - UNESCO heritage site 

The first records of Trulli being built in Puglia date from around the 14th century. The likely reason for their design was to create housing that could be easily demolished, enabling the feudal lord to avoid paying taxes on new settlements as well as making it easy to remove unwanted tenants!

The roofs of buildings often have mythological or religious markings in white ash to ward off evil influences or bad luck. 

Many existing Trulli have been bought up by foreigners in recent years and have been renovated  to create extremely individual and comfortable homes, shops, and cafes.

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