Monday 18 October 2021

Italy: Tívoli - Last Adventure - Sunday, 10/17/21

  Hadrian's Villa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site made up of the ruins and archaeological remains of a large villa complex built c. AD 120 by Roman Emperor Hadrian at Tivoli outside Rome.   It was steps away from our hotel.

A model of Hadrian’s Villa Adriana

The villa was constructed at Tibur (modern-day Tivoli) as a retreat from Rome for Emperor Hadrian during the second and third decades of the 2nd century AD. Hadrian is said to have disliked the palace on the Palantine Hill in Rome, leading to the construction of the retreat. It was traditional that the Roman emperor had constructed a villa as a place to relax from everyday life. 

The complex contains 30 buildings on 250 acres, an area larger than the city of Pompeii!

Numerous bath houses existed in the Villa

Some of the flooring in the baths

La Tenuta di Rocca Bruna Country Estate where we spent the night in Tivoli

Beautiful grounds and superb restaurant - a great way to end our trip!

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