Friday 13 September 2019

Anaruni Fortress, Jvari Monastery Photos

 Zhinvali Reservoir on our way to the Anaruni Fortress on the Georgian Military Highway along the Caucasus Mountains - historic name for the major route from Georgia to Russia. It runs between Tbilisi in Georgia and Vladikavkaz in Russia

 Anaruni Fortress - castle complex on the Aragvi River about 45 miles from Tbilisi

Beautiful location for the fortress

Interesting area to roam around and view the ruins

Jvari Monestary, translated as the Monestary of the Cross,  604 AD,  located on the hill top near the town of Mtskheta - early Orthodox architecture 


Monestary overlooks the old and new sections of Mtskheta 

View from the monestary where the Mtkvari River (Kura) & Aragvi River meet 

A neat bookstore & cafe in Tbilisi that  Maddy read about that is frequented by expats 

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