Wednesday 11 September 2019

Tbilisi Photos - Capital of Georgia

View from our room in the Tiflis Palace 

Balcony in our room

Some thermal baths right next to our hotel

Tbilisi is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious city

 Tbilisi sits on sulphuric water & thermal springs (located under the Narikala Fortress)

Nice walking path near homes and to a waterfall

Falls in the old city 

 Homes in the old city

And of course.....

Walking thru the streets of the city

Lots of cafes to enjoy

Entrance to the old bazaar

Peace Bridge over the Kura River connecting Old Tbilisi with the new district

Kura River with Peace Bridge in the background

Kura River

4th century ruins of Narikala Fortress

We took a funicular to the top of the hill to view the city 

Kartlis Deda, Mother Georgia, holding a cup of wine for friends and a sword to protect from enemies. Statue is 66 foot tall & made of aluminum

National Cathedral of Georgia

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