Sunday 15 September 2019

Vardzia Caves & Akhaltsikhe Photos

Vardzia Caves were once completely enclosed and used by the people to live in when threatened by enemies
 Construction was the second half of the 12th century
 Frescos in the Dormition Church in 

The slots in this room is believed to be part of the pharmacy 

View from the top of Erusheti Mountain on the left bank of the Kura River

It was fun walking thru all the passages

 Walking down out of the caves

Our group, Dale, Eunice, Jan, Anne, Maddy, Steve & Fran 

Thea, our Georgian guide

Rabati Castle is a fortress in Akhaltsikhe built in 9th century.  It is now a museum, hotel, and great locale for special events 

View from the fortress 

Our view from our sitting area outside of our hotel in the fortress 

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