Tuesday 1 October 2019

Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 Bishkek & Osh in Fergana Valley, Kyrgystan Photos

Kyrgystan flag - red background symbolizes bravery & valor, sun represents peace & wealth.  According to traditional lore, the sun’s 40 rays represents the 40 Kyrgyz tribes unified against the Mongols by the epic hero Manas

Honor Guard of the Kyrgystan National Guard standing at attention on Ala-Too Square

Soldiers perform changing of the guard ceremony - every hour

Manas, hero that unified Kyrgyz tribes

Birds appreciate Manas too!

Republic Square & eternal flame for the Kyrgystan people who lost their lives from 1941 thru 1945

Kyrgystan Republic Seal 

Local Kyrgystan wearing traditional hat, playing chess in the park

 Farewell Bishkek feast arranged by Ramil

Pastry resembling a traditional yurt 

We were entertained by a local group using traditional instruments 

 Our last tour with Ramil was  in Osh in the Fergana Valley to the Suleiman Mountain & Museum. UNESCO says the mountain is the "most complete example of a sacred mountain anywhere in Central Asia worshipped over several millennia".

Miniature replica in the museum showing  the path we would take to the top of the mountain 

 Walking up to the top was not very hard 

 View from the top 

 Ramil showing us that Uzbekistan is to his left just past the mountains 

Praying site built by Babur in 1510 and reconstructed in the late 20th century, at the top in honor of Suleiman, a prophet in the Qur'an, that supposedly marks his grave

 View of steps leading down from the mountain 

Pek & Mary at the end of our trek

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