Tuesday 1 October 2019

Kazakhstan - Almaty Photos

 We flew to Almaty, the former capital city of Kazakhstan, from Astana, now Nur Sultana

Monument includes 15 Russian soldiers representing the Soviet regions who fought in the Great Patriotic War from 1941-1945 with an eternal flame in the beautiful Paniflov Park in Almaty

Zekov Russian Orthodox Cathedral in the Park

We visited Almaty’s Opera house 

Entrance hall to the opera house.  We were fortunate to hear a local group practicing the opera, Don Carlos, with an Italian maestro directing.   They sounded beautiful!

A visit to Almaty’s central market, the Green Bazaar - it was an informative, fun visit!  This was a Korean station with great fresh prepared foods 

 Seaberries  on the left (lots of vitamin C) & yellow cranberries on the right

What we call Chinese Lanterns (without fruit) in Almaty the plant has a cranberry inside which you can eat

Kazakhstans eat all parts of animals except the stomach (including horse meat)

 Almaty means “the place with apples” because of the many varieties.  The favorite is the Aport apple which is delicious and taste like our Macintosh

Everything is arranged  so beautifully!

Almaty is a pretty city in the foothills of the Zaili Alatau Mountains

  Almaty was called Alatau during the Silk Road times

 Ramil, our Guide, and Maddy going up on the cable car

At the top of Ili Alatau mountain 

Always great views from the top

 Medeu Ice skating Rink - view from the second cable car we rode to the top. Athletes from around the world train here to build up strength and endurance because of the altitude 

An upside down house exhibit near the entrance to the cable car 

 Golden Man Monument in Republic Square in Almaty 

 We visited the  Sunkar Bird Refuge, a  breeding farm where Pawel & Diane demonstrated how they train their birds for hunting



Himalayan Vulture

Steppe Eagle

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