Wednesday 16 October 2019

Oct 16 Nukus, Karakalpakstan Photos

We leave Bukhara and have a 4 hour drive to Nukus in the republic of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan

We visit a necropolis

A tomb built for the wife of someone important - forgot to write down the name

Unbelievable inside!

This mausoleum was so long, unfortunately, I don't remember the history of it

Inside of the long mausoleum

 Ruins of a church in the necropolis  which is known as having a world clock; when all the rocks fall, it will be the end of the world. 

More parts of the church ruins

A few of us from our group walked to a concert which was really a political rally sponsored by the Uzbek Liberation Democratic Party.  A couple of women stopped to talk to us, then more joined us.  They were really interested in us because we were from America 

This group of girls were attending the concert with their teacher.   They were all so friendly!

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