Friday 3 September 2021

Bulgaria: Ruse & driving into Bucharest, Romania - Friday, 9/3/2021

Liberty Square in Ruse, Bulgaria near the border of Romania on the Danube River - this is how the city spelling is in Cyrillic

Pedestrian walkway in Ruse

Getting ready to cross the Danube to enter into Romania

Bridge across the Danube River

Entering Romania

Dictator Nicolas Ceausescu’s Palace which he built for himself (while the people of Romania were starving) is now the Parliament Building

 Balcony from where the Dictator gave his last speech and then was helicoptered from the top of the building during the revolt

Memorial of Rebirth - Monument to those who lost their lives in the revolt against the Communist Dictator who committed genocide by starving his people - across the street from the above building. Nicolae & his wife Elena were tried and executed on December 25, 1989 (after ruling from 1965 until the revolt in 1989)

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