Thursday 30 September 2021

Albania: Tirana & Kruja - Wednesday & Thursday, 9/29 & 9/30/2021

 Beautiful seaside drive from Montenegro to Albania

Before arriving in Tirana we stopped to see Kruja Castle built in the 5th or 6th century, in Kruja, Albania.
During Gjerj Skanderbag’s reign, 13th to 14 centuries, it was used to fight off the Ottomans.

View from the castle

After climbing to the castle, we stopped in the old city to try Kabuni, traditional Albanian dish, which was used as fuel for the body in the old days.   It is made with wheat berries, meat from the neck of a ram, butter, sugar, walnuts & cloves

Further up from the Kruja Castle, is the headquarters of the Bektashi Order of the whirling dervishes 

City tour of Tirana - unusual traffic light system - lights extend to the arms & pole 

Pyramid of Tirana originally constructed as a museum dedicated to communist leader Enver Hoxha, opened in 1988 but closed 3 years later following the collapse of communism in the country.   Work started this year to refurbish the structure into a “peoples’ monument” containing cafes, shops, workshops, & classrooms where free lessons will be available for young Albanians

Skanderbag Square

Monument of Skanderbeg in the Square & behind is the”Boulevard of Martyrs”  the major thoroughfare

Et’Hem Bey Mosque of Tirana near Skanderbeg Square

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