Sunday 2 October 2022

Fukuoka & Nagasaki, Japan - Friday & Saturday, Sept. 30 & Saturday, October 1

We flew into Fukuoka and spent the night in that city

Saturday, October 1

We drove 2-1/2 hours to Nagasaki - very scenic drive with lots of tunnels

We visited the Peace Monument in Nagasaki - memorial to those who perished when the second atomic bomb was dropped on August 9, 1945 

Memorial on the actual site where the 2nd atom bomb landed

Fountain of Peace - When the bomb landed thousands of people suffered terrible burns & were begging for water.

Monument to the maternity hospital that was destroyed when the bomb exploded

Miniature replica of the Dejimi Wharf - a fan shaped artificial island built by the Japanese at the tip of the cape of Nagasaki to keep the Portuguese residents from Nagasaki interned there to seize control of trade and  stop the spread of Christianity in 1636.  In 1639 Portuguese ships were banned from the harbor. Later the Dutch trading post Hirado was moved to Dejimi and trade between Japan & Holland continued until the end of the aedo period. It became the only trading port between Japan and Europe, and provided the source of information and goods for the modernization of Japan.
In 1922 Japan designated it as a national historic site. The buildings have been restored and now is a museum.

View outside the mall where we enjoyed a lunch with a variety of Japanese food to eat

Oldest church in Nagasaki

Walking down from the church to our bus

Pachinko Hall near our hotel

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