Monday 3 October 2022

Takachiho to Beppu Hells to Kituski - Monday, October 3, 2022

Beautiful drive leaving Takachiho

View walking from the parking area to the Setonaika National Park

Our baby bus waiting for us

Takasaki Monkey Park

Visiting the wild Macaque monkeys in Beppu Hells

Cute little guys fun to watch

Preening constantly

Jigoku Meguri (Boiling Hells) hot springs

Intermittent spring geyser 

Walking up to see the Ohara residence - a samurai house in Kitsuki-shi

Samurai House

Thatched roof and part of the garden in the back

For the spider lovers 🤪

Train station in Kitsuki

First train to take us to connecting train to Hiroshima

Picturesque train ride

One of the trains coming in while we waited for our second train 

Shinkansen bullet train we took to Hiroshima

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