Tuesday 18 October 2022

Hakodate on the island of Haikkado - Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Visiting the Hakodate market - a variety of live fish to purchase, below hairy crabs

Colorful fresh fish and caviar

Fresh squid skimming in a tub

You pick one, try to catch it, and the vendor cleans it for you  and it is ready to eat (no thank you)

Visiting the Site of Shoguns’ Fort Goryokaku

Magistrate’s Office in the Fort was destroyed when Meiji defeated the Shogunite - rebuilt by the government

It was a pentagon shaped fort, now a lovely park

Billy, our guide, cooking our lunch on the steamers which are fed by the geysers in the area

Steamers outside 

How to cook with steamer

Scallops in dough balls, bacon, cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, onions and oysters (we did not eat the oysters)

Driving by Lake Toya

Mt. Showa-Shinzan was created from the geological activities of the 1943-1945 eruption of Mt. Usu

Steam is still rising from Mt. Showa-shinzan

Taking the Usuzan Ropeway to see the Mount Usu crater basin and surrounding town and lake

Lake Toya from the ropeway

Steps up to the highest viewing point - another viewing terrace near the viewing terrace and observatory on the left

Mount Usu Crater Basin - last eruption was in 2000

Towns were completely destroyed from the last eruption, but locals continue rebuilding & living in the area

Toyota Coaster - our vehicle during our last week of touring Japan

Our Japanese room - Queen Madalyn sleeps on the rollaway, Anne sleeps on the floor - really fun trying to get up from the bed - NOT!

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