Wednesday 14 September 2022

Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, Cambodia - Tuesday, September 13, 2022

 Sightseeing in Phnom Penh - Cambodian Independence Monument
Cambodia declared independence from France on November 9, 1953

Memorial site of Cambodian genocide by the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 to 1979
Tuol Seng means “Hill of Poisonous Trees”

In 1975 a school in Phnom Penh was taken over by security forces of Cambodia’s Dictator Pol Pot and used as a internment location where an estimated 20,000 people were imprisoned, tortured and then taken to the killing fields.   Heartbreaking visit thru this museum……
Memorial to the victims on the site

Visiting the National Museum of Cambodia 

We visited the National Museum of Cambodia

Banana palm tree that does not bear fruit

We then had a 5-1/2 hour drive to Siem Reap - location of Angkor Wat and more temple

We visited the Spider Market along the road - try some fried spiders, cocoons, cockroaches 
(No, thank you)

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