Thursday 15 September 2022

Siem Reap Temples, Cambodia - Thursday, September 15, 2022

Discoloration and miss growing on the Buddhist statue (missing in the center) reminiscent of a person with leprosy, hence the name

Replica of the statue from the center of the temple - original in Phnom Penh museum


Bridge to the temple has a snake as the banister with heads of statues missing

Temple meaning, Citadel of Women, dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva 

Beautiful intricate carvings

Display of only a portion of land mines

Pre Rup Hindu Temple 961 or early 962 - funerals were held at the temple

Dinner and Aspara show on our last evening in Siem 

Enjoyable show performed by orphans from the war.   Come and visit Cambodia to help restore tourism!

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