Sunday 11 September 2022

Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) - Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saigon - Reunification Palace was the home & workplace of the President of the Republic of South Vietnam.  It  is the site of the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975 that ended the Vietnam War when a North Vietnamese army tank crashed through its gates.

 Helicopter landing on the roof of Independence Palace - palace was rebuilt after North Vietnamese pilot  bombed it during the war.

War Remembrance Museum - Tragic history of the Vietnam war depicting the antiwar activities of USA and other countries - a moving, must see, although heartbreaking exhibit 

Some of the USA military planes abandoned in Vietnam after the war

 Saigon Post office built by the French

Anne with Daisy, our new Vietnamese friend we met inside the Post Office.  She walked up to Maddy and said “Excuse me, may I speak to you for 5 minutes to practice my English?”  She spoke perfect English, with no accent.   Maddy was busy trying to buy a postcard, so then Daisy started talking to Anne.  This began a “What’s App” friendship
It was a happy event after the sad visit to the War Remnants Museum 

Motorcycles are the preferred choice of transportation and the driving is crazy!!!!

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