Wednesday 14 September 2022

Siem Reap, Cambodia - Angkor Wat (City of Temples) - Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 Before leaving on our tour, we had some company for breakfast 😂

We finally made it to one of the places on our must see list.
We are both very grateful for this opportunity.

First view of the Angkor Wat complex

Angkor Wat Temple

Walls around the temple tell stories about wars between the various gods

You could spend hours walking around and interpreting the carved stories

Gun shot holes on the pillars from the Khmer Rouge from 1975-1979

Notice the faces carved in the towers

The movie Tomb Raiders was filmed at this temple

Spung trees growing on the walls throughout the temple

Ebony trees were abundant in Siem Reap until the Khmer Rouge cut them down during the war
Notice the dinosaur carving in the center

We were soaking wet from the heat and humidity from our visits today - but it was amazing 

Last stop drive through downtown  - Pub Street is the spot in Siem Reap for restaurants and bars

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